Nah Kata Motivasi Bahasa Inggris Terbaru ini sobat bisa lihat langsung di blog sederhana ini, penasaran? yuk kita lihat kumpulan kata motivasinya dibawah ini yang bisa sobat baca sendiri.
"Keep smiling when getting into trouble is a sign that we are strong."
"Your eyes can see the things clearly. But with your heart, you can see the truth even without eyes."
"Success is an achievement. While, struggling is a must."
"Stop looking for reasons why you are poor. Instead, try to find on how to be rich."
"The big happiness is a collection of the long time struggle."
"Receiving your beloved without complaining is a sign that you are grateful to God."
"When you have a lot of desires, you must involve a lot of action."
"Poverty is not a shameful thing, but laziness and pessimism are exactly embarrassing."
"Real success is determined by two factors. First is faith, and second is action."
"Good communication comes from people to people, but great communication comes from people to Allah."
"Think big, feel strong, and pray hard for deep heart."
"Every successful person must have a failure. Do not be afraid to fail because failure is a part of success."
"The most difficult thing in life is a self-defeating."
"Cowards always avoid the difficulty while brave are always looking for an opportunity in a difficult situation."
"Dreaming is the first step that you have to make. While, the act is the next step that you have to do."
"Choose a woman who is able to work hard and do not choose a woman who just can sue your life."
Nah, mungkin sekian dulu untuk artikel Kata Motivasi Bahasa Inggris Terbaru yang bisa saya sampaikan kali ini, sampai jumpa kembali di artikel yang akan info lurus berikan untuk sahabat semua..